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¡¡T400                                                                                  T200

And the use of commonly used tool

1.For rough milling of cement and cement surface binding sites    2. For the removal of all on the surface of asphalt, rubber, epoxy resin and other   3.Fine polishing the surface for processing     4. For the plate to the surface, such as cement, asphalt   5. For the removal of cement on the surface of epoxy coatings and adhesives plastic lights  6. Fine polishing the surface for processing

Model                                 T400A                            T400E                                 T200A                             T200E

Working width£¨mm£©    400                                 400                                       200                                  200

Power speed£¨rpm£©        3200                              2850                                      3200                               2850

Dynamic Power£¨h p£©       8.0                                  7.5                                        5.5                                  3.0

Size£¨mm£©            L1550,W600,H1000   L1550,W600,H900        L900,W400,H1000            L900,W400,H1000

Quality Work£¨kg£©         220kg                              220kg                                 55kg                               55kg

Dynamic configuration    Honda Engine         Motor                         Honda Engine                 Motor

Use of

Equipment advantages

¡ñ      Removal of concrete roads, site location or above the surface of the surface of Lamao.

¡ñ      Removal of the ground coatings, paints, epoxy resin layer, the road surface floating layer.

¡ñ      Waterproof construction of the elevated road is not smooth early.

¡ñ      Damage to the ground to be refurbished, the removal of the old floor surface.

¡ñ      Cement surface of the rough and abrasive.

¡ñ      T400-milling width of 400 mm, with 8-axis milling of long-life drum (tool), a variety of materials can be handled tool for users to choose.

¡ñ      Deep-conditioning, precise control of milling depth.

¡ñ      Greater quality, high-power power equipment, the most suitable for large area of the milling work.

¡ñ      T200-milling width of 200 mm, with 4-axis with the knife, cutting tool to deal with a variety of different materials.

¡ñ      Holders of a patent can be quickly demolished and installation.

©£º Shanghai Taun¡¡Address£ºNo. 3 Plant, Shenzhuan Road, No. 5300,Songjiang District,Shanghai
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